Wednesday, June 07, 2006

6/6/06 in the SCV (Santa Clarita Valley)

Hey hey...It has been a while...kinda. We played yesterday in Newhall, CA in someone's backyard. The show started early. 3pm. I think it was like that so that the high school kids could come straight from school, and also so that the cops wouldn't shut it down before all the bands could play. It was awesome playin with Charged and Held Hostage again. They are both super-awesome bands. There was also a couple of new bands that played...Corpulent Corpse, who played a mean Hanson cover and a song about cream cheese, and the other band was called Catch Your Breath. They were a straight up hardcore band...not the type of hardcore that sounds like Black Flag, and early BR, but the type of Hardcore that has lots of breakdowns, dog-piles, basketball shorts, and sleavless shirts. Good band if you are into that sort of thing.

Anyways, we played 2nd to last, right in between local heroes Held Hostage, and CHARGED. We opened with People with Guns, and the kids went nuts. There was lots of singing along, and lots of good jokes and fun times. The kids in the SCV rule. First song in, Mikkei's mic stand got knocked down and so he didn't have a microphone during the set. I tried to give him my mic to sing into at one point of the set and totally punched him in the face. He probably deserved it. haha...anyways, it was a super fun show, and the people who owned the house deserve a big THANK YOU. Lets do it again sometime soon.

Here's the setlist as I remember it...: People with Guns, oh crap..I don't remember. I'll update this soon.